Thursday, April 1, 2010

Treasure Hunting

an response to The Adventures of Tom Sawyer

Tom is a curious non-cautious boy. He sure has a lot of fun planned for Huck and himself, though some of his fun turns into trouble, especially when he’s searching for buried treasure and tracking murderers. Where ever Tom goes he’s bound to get into trouble one way or another.

The hot sun beats down on you and a drop of sweat falls to the dry ground leaving a small dark spot. You dig your shovel deep into the earth and pray to hear a noise. You move onto the next dead tree to look for buried treasure. Tom and Huck went through this process for many days wishing to become rich off of some buried treasure. They searched everywhere but had no luck. Their strategy though was to dig under every dead tree right where the shadow projects at midnight. Of course this is not true the old legends are all false but not for a boy and his friend who are determined. This shows how innocent and foolish the boys are. They believe in old legends, and that is demonstrated though out many scenes other than this one, such as the pinch bug scene in the church. Truely the boys just want to have fun and defintly accopmlish their goal.

Later they traveled deep into a haunted house seeking adventure. Traveling upstairs in the house the boys hear a noise and freeze. Injun Joe is back seeking revenge on someone. When Injun Joe comes back into the story my reaction was surprised because why would he come back after he murdered someone. The first thought that comes to mind is that revenge is to be plotted on Tom and Huck but the motive of Injun Joe is unclear at this point and his revenge could be on anyone. Muff Potter is a clear candidate because he witnessed Injun Joe killing the doctor. Although there are many other reasonable candidates the boys minds never crossed them. All Huck and Tom thought about was revenge and treasure.

In a young child’s life in the 1800’s is different than a child’s life now. Instead of sitting down watching television they go out and jump rope. Now if people we’re in Tom’s shoes they would realize why he got into trouble all the time. With nothing to do how could someone blame the poor child. Tom being his curious mischievous self decides to track Injun Joe. Sometime he will get caught though, since Injun Joe is a violent experienced murderer. Truly he’s just trying to live his life to the fullest or as an adventure. There’s a true meaning behind his trouble making. That meaning is that he doesn’t want his life to waste away being good, he wants to take risks.

Life your life to the fullest always and try not to be as foolish as Tom. Take hold of opportunities that come to you and enjoy your life. Tom has always tried to that but the cards that he’s been dealt aren’t the best hand. Be cautious yet enjoy every minute of your adventuress life.

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