Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Power to Animal Farm

an essay response to Animal Farm
You try to escape but something is holding you there. Everyone seems fine, but you really know that this was not intended for you or everyone else. Your leader has just been transformed into the complete opposite of what they wanted to be. Power is something so strong that it can people from superior to cruel. George Orwell demonstrated the evil that lies within the power throughout his novel Animal Farm. Limitless power may sound good, but it can change us into our worse nightmare.

“Absolute power corrupts absolutely,” meaning if someone were to have a ton of power not only would they be harming themselves they would be hurting others as well. They would change into exactly what they didn’t want to be. The animals on Manor Farm did this exact thing.

The Rebellion was the new idea to talk about with their fellow comrades as Old Major would've said. To put this plan into action the animals wrote the Seven Commandments, but over time these commandments would evolve into a totally different meaning so that the pigs could break them. Pigs, is a symbol of disgust and greed, in Animal Farm Orwell compare us, humans to pigs he does this because when humans receive so much power we change our actions to resemble pigs, because power can easily warp our minds.

A government or leader who has a great amount of power can change citizen’s minds in a blink of an eye, especially young children, because they don’t know better. The evil corrupt pig, Napoleon, changed people’s minds starting with the young puppies who were the building blocks of this new and defiantly not improved farm. The new dystopic vision of the farm is the total opposite of the Rebellion. This world is the world that no one wanted to be in but everyone wanted to live so they didn’t rebel against Napoleon. Napoleon resembles Stalin and Stalin is a strong leader with powerful armies.

Besides just Napoleon many animals played huge parts in Animal Farm or the Russian Revolution, although Napoleon was a big part Snowball also resembled Trotsky because he was intelligent, a good speaker, and was deported like Snowball. The animals in Animal farm changed the way history was written, Squealer especially would tell lies and rewrite history, which made him Pravda. Also Squealer acted as if he was under Napoleon which he was the one organizing events and such which means he was also Lenin. All of these animals had one thing that changed the farm tremendously--power.

Having absolute power can really change someone. Napoleon not only changed himself but he changed the whole Rebellion plan that Old Major created. Now instead of getting rid of humans they are working with them hand in hand. When we get a hold of limitless power we are truly going to create a mess. "The creatures outside looked from pig to man, and from man to pig, from pig to man again; but already it was impossible to tell which from which."(Animal Farm, Pg.139)

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Anna's Struggles

a response to My Sister’s Keeper

Every night I wonder What if Kate died? I am sure my whole family is thinking that but for me it means a lot, because I am the reason Kate is alive today, I am her protector, I give her life, but my family doesn’t recognize me as much as they should. Not only is Kate at risk of dieing so am I.

My life has probably been the craziest out of everyone in the world, I was born for one reason, and one reason only that is to give my sister what she needs when she needs it. Kate has leukemia and I am the recognized donor, but now besides donating blood and cells I am being forced into donating one of my kidneys. It’s one thing to find out that you were born for one reason, and now I am being held to donating organs to my sister. One minute it’s a kidney, what’s next?

I had to take a stand, stand up for what I believe in, I must fight back. It’s not that I don’t love my sister, it’s that I should have a choice on if I want to keep donating to her. Sara, my mother, would not listen to me she would not understand my reasoning, saying that people might actually realize why I had to get help, from a lawyer.

My case must’ve been a weird one for my lawyer, I don’t think he knew what to say. He probably thought Oh look it’s just another kid wanting to sue their parents, but he was wrong I just wanted a right to my own body. Kate was devastated that I made my choice, she told me that I was her only friend. I worried that she would die every night and that my choice could impact her disease. Of course I felt bad and didn’t know if I should go through with my decision, but what I needed was for someone to support me, to comfort me, so I moved in with my Dad at the fire station.

Sara is furious with my choice to move in with my father down at the station, but he will not tell me that what I believe in is wrong or that I should be ashamed of my self for choosing to kill my sister. I wish they would just give me a choice. I don’t want to kill my sister, but I need to do what my gut is telling me.

Bean Tree's Journal


March 5th, 1998--- Dear Diary

My life has been changed tremendously, because my daughter has been stolen from me. I don’t know what to feel, sad, shocked, or terrified, all I know is that the tears continue to flow until I find her. Life is not safe in Guatemala so we moved to America… Illegally. My life has forced me out and thrown me into a new world with no warning.

June 17th,1999---Dear Diary

The new world has left me struck with fear, though I cannot tell what my husband is feeling. White people surround me speaking fluent English. I am not only scared of the world, I am scared of being caught, taken away like my beloved daughter. A nice lady offered a home to us, until we can survive on our own, her name is Mattie. She is taking a huge risk just like my husband and myself being illegal immigrants, although I am grateful of having someone nice take us in but also I am intimidated by the fact that we could get taken away at any given moment.

June 20th,1999---Dear Diary

No one will ever find us Mattie has assured us. Everyone but my daughter, Iseme. A splitting image is Turtle, Mattie’s friend Taylor’s daughter. Pain strikes my heart when I see her, think of her, or hear her small innocent voice. The bad thing though is that I see her often against my own will so often that Taylor offered to me and Estevan to come help her. Of course I couldn’t say no and I went to help Taylor with her daughter that I envy to have.
July 2nd,1999---Dear Diary

Tears roll down my face as the child gets pulled away from me. My mind directly goes back to the memory of when Iseme was taken, but I know what I must do to support my friend. I must move on.


June 5th ,1998 - - - Dear Journal

I am moving on to a new life. Heading west to start over, though not sure of what to do next I pulled into a bar. After I ate I went outside to find a baby in the front seat of my car. Emotions over flow me and questions race through my head. I have a life changing decision to make.

June 5th ,1999 - - - Dear Journal

I kept the abused child and made her my own, Turtle is her name. On top of raising a child I found someone I love. I am not a real emotional person but I love him, although I don’t think he loves me though, because he has a wife. Am I a bad person for falling for him??? Anyways his wife is now best friends with MY daughter part of me should be happy I don’t have to worry about me but I am mostly sad.

July 2nd,1999 - - - Dear Journal

Do you know that sinking feeling in the pit of your stomach that something’s gone wrong? That’s how I felt when social security told me Turtle was not mine and that I could be under suspicion of kidnapping her. Who would do something to a child that cruel? I guess enough to make them think that I could’ve kidnapped her. Now I am on a quest to save Turtle from sheer torture of a orphanage, now I am heading back to Oklahoma to save not only my daughter but my dear friends from Guatemala. Esperanza and Estevan could be taken away any minute now for coming to America with no hard copy proof of dangerous events in Guatemala to support them to be here. I love them both and even though they might not love me back I am going to succeed at helping them.

July 3rd,1999 - - - Dear Journal
Helping Esperanza and Esetvan was a piece of cake and in return they helped me keep Turtle. We went to a social service place to ask for permission to keep Turtle. Esperanza and Estevan were the guardians and I was the friend who was going to get her since they couldn’t afford to have her. Guess what… It worked now I have legal documents on Turtle she’s officially mine! Our plan worked perfectly and Esperanza started to cry either she’s a great actor or she truly loved Turtle. I vote B. It must’ve been hard for her to experience two children getting taken from her and she had no say or choice in either of them.

June 3rd,1999 - - - Dear Diary

Esperanza seems fine for what I will know of. I brought them to a church so they could get somewhere safe. Seeing them leave was truly difficult but thank God I still have Turtle, I hope. I am waiting for the final adoption papers right now and I am more nervous than a hog looking at a smoke house as mama would say. Talking about mama I called her. I patched things up and I am now happy for her marriage and she is happy from my daughter. We’re connected again. I am leaving tonight and am sure happy to see Lou-Ann and Dwayne Ray again. My decisions of my life have sure been good ones and I am happy about what I chose to do.


June 6th,1999 - - - Dear Old Dusty Book

I am trying to keep it a secret. Having a ton of illegal immigrants living in your house though isn’t easy to be quiet about. On top of that there was this poor girl with a child at Jesus is the Lord Used Tires today and I just felt so bad, so I offered to give her a job to be nice but she probably thinks I am totally different. An old lady owning a tire shop and being awfully careful about what she says. What not to be afraid of, although I think we have a growing friendship.

June 20th,1999 - - - Dear Old Dusty Book

Our friendship is amazing. I found someone who won’t leave me to try to protect themselves like me immigrant friends. I can trust her and I think she knows she can trust me. The truth about her child, Turtle, is an incredible, inspiring story of abandonment. Also she seems to be friend with my illegal friends I guess you could say. I found the guts to tell her and she’s willing to help out at anytime, I think.

July 1st,1999 - - - Dear Old Dusty Book

I must really trust Taylor because now I sent her off with Esetvan and Esperanza to try to save them from being put in jail or worse. They’re headed to Okalahoma to do two things. Save them and save Taylor’s little one, Turtle. Many things could go wrong all I can do is hope and pray they’ll all be safe, because hope is about all I have left.

Lou Ann

June 5th --- Dear Diary

Today I have a new roommate. I guess this is a signal from above saying: MOVE ON! I just can’t forget my beloved husband though. I miss him dearly, though he doesn’t miss me and our new son. The signal from above is telling me to move on and let go.

June 10th --- Dear Diary

I am moving on and letting go as fast as possible. Taylor (my roommate) has open my eyes to the dangerous, exciting world around me. She has told me her whole life story in one night but can I open up to her? I just don’t know yet. Taylor and I are nothing alike, I am a total superstitious freak and she’s not, she’s willing to take risks, and I am not. Worrying must be something I am good at because I worry about my son, Dwayne Ray, all the time. In my dream an angle came down and informed me that Dwayne Ray will not live past year 2000. Taylor told me to chill but I am freaking out.

July 3rd --- Dear Diary

Again I am freaking out not just about Dwayne Ray but about my friends. Taylor took Turtle to find her birth parents while helping Estevan and Esperanza get to some church safely. Right now I need someone to comfort me, that’s when I met Cameron. Taylor and I have so much to talk about, things such as if Turtle was safe or not. Oh! There’s the telephone it might be Taylor. All I have to say is that Taylor opened up my eyes to the incredible world that surrounds me.

Treasure Hunting

an response to The Adventures of Tom Sawyer

Tom is a curious non-cautious boy. He sure has a lot of fun planned for Huck and himself, though some of his fun turns into trouble, especially when he’s searching for buried treasure and tracking murderers. Where ever Tom goes he’s bound to get into trouble one way or another.

The hot sun beats down on you and a drop of sweat falls to the dry ground leaving a small dark spot. You dig your shovel deep into the earth and pray to hear a noise. You move onto the next dead tree to look for buried treasure. Tom and Huck went through this process for many days wishing to become rich off of some buried treasure. They searched everywhere but had no luck. Their strategy though was to dig under every dead tree right where the shadow projects at midnight. Of course this is not true the old legends are all false but not for a boy and his friend who are determined. This shows how innocent and foolish the boys are. They believe in old legends, and that is demonstrated though out many scenes other than this one, such as the pinch bug scene in the church. Truely the boys just want to have fun and defintly accopmlish their goal.

Later they traveled deep into a haunted house seeking adventure. Traveling upstairs in the house the boys hear a noise and freeze. Injun Joe is back seeking revenge on someone. When Injun Joe comes back into the story my reaction was surprised because why would he come back after he murdered someone. The first thought that comes to mind is that revenge is to be plotted on Tom and Huck but the motive of Injun Joe is unclear at this point and his revenge could be on anyone. Muff Potter is a clear candidate because he witnessed Injun Joe killing the doctor. Although there are many other reasonable candidates the boys minds never crossed them. All Huck and Tom thought about was revenge and treasure.

In a young child’s life in the 1800’s is different than a child’s life now. Instead of sitting down watching television they go out and jump rope. Now if people we’re in Tom’s shoes they would realize why he got into trouble all the time. With nothing to do how could someone blame the poor child. Tom being his curious mischievous self decides to track Injun Joe. Sometime he will get caught though, since Injun Joe is a violent experienced murderer. Truly he’s just trying to live his life to the fullest or as an adventure. There’s a true meaning behind his trouble making. That meaning is that he doesn’t want his life to waste away being good, he wants to take risks.

Life your life to the fullest always and try not to be as foolish as Tom. Take hold of opportunities that come to you and enjoy your life. Tom has always tried to that but the cards that he’s been dealt aren’t the best hand. Be cautious yet enjoy every minute of your adventuress life.

Adventures Of Innocence

an essay response to The Adventure’s of Tom Sawyer, by Mark Twain

To live your life to the fullest you have to take risks. Taking risks requires some one who’s eliminates fear and is filled with curiosity. It takes time to master this skill to live every moment of your life to the best of your ability. In the novel Adventures of Tom Sawyer the main character Tom was very skilled and accomplished this with almost no effort. Living life to the fullest is something that is key to our life.

Living life to the fullest is one of the best things people can do. Everyone only gets one life to live it to the best of your ability would make an unforgettable adventure. Tom did almost everything from traveling caves to playing pirates, for one thing he never lived a moment down. Tom’s life truly surprised me. He lived his life with such an ambition of adventure. To have a strong ambition to live one’s life is priceless.

Having an ambition is something everyone can do, therefore it’s realistic. This message of The Adventure’s of Tom Sawyer would act like a comedy, where as the symbols and scenes point to romance. The scene in the church with the pinch bug is an example of Tom’s pure innocence which is a romantic scene because it’s not realistic. Also it’s an example that Tom doesn’t want to waste his time sitting around he wants to do something with his life.

One thing that Tom did really well was to live his life to the absolute fullest. Personally Tom’s story inspired me to live life like a never ending adventure. Every time an idea came to Tom’s mind he was already asking his friends to join him. In a way Tom is like a con-artist, whether his friends agreed or disagreed to go through with his plan Tom convinced them either way. This diverse talent could be a good thing or bad. It could definitely get someone in major trouble.

Certain things come along with living an adventuress life, such as risks. Some people have no fear so taking risks isn’t a problem while for others it is. Tom is one of those people who doesn’t mind taking risks. He’ll run away from home, follow murders, and even show up at his own funeral. Tom is an innocent boy who doesn’t know right from wrong. Learning is not in his life style. Everyone thought he was a silly, unintelligent, and uncaring boy. They all had a bleak outlook on Huck and Tom but when they saved the town from Injun Joe the boys where loved.

You live your life and you choose what chapters next in your book. Tom showed his passion of life through out his mischievous way. He never gave up and truly did almost everything he could accomplish. We all have to live like Tom in order to live life to the fullest.

Monday, February 1, 2010

Christmas Tree

For the end of the book project my group (Natalie, Erin, Allison, and Katelyn) made a tree out of cardboard. We did this by forming boxes with the cardboard and gluing them together to make a Christmas tree. Then we bejeweled the tree to add sparkle and added some quotes to the sides. Finally we topped it off with a giant star. As for the tree skirt we painted 19 different scenes of importance to the book on the skirt to give the tree a more Christmassy feel. Here are some close up picture of the tree. Enjoy!

Friday, January 8, 2010

A Tree Grows In Brooklyn

Hope is something we all have and should treasure. When we’re in complete doubt hope stands by us. Francie always had a dream but never really tried to accomplish it, when she did life was at its high point. Even when times are tough you always can find hope and become more experienced through out the journey of your life. On the journey new opportunities come right around the corner giving you a second chance.

The desire to do something is priceless, you always have it in you though. You still can loose that desire easily though. Francie went along in life just by doing the motions. Everything was done with no feeling. Johnny’s death affected Francie tremendously he was her best friend. Though there was hope in the situation when Katie gave birth to a new child, Laurie. Laurie was the true hope in the situation. The only light in the darkness. The only way to move on from the unforgettable tragedy that left them scared for life.

There’s a feeling you just can’t shake off, a feeling so strong that you won’t ever forget. The feeling will always find a way to get to you to get back into the world into your mind to keep you thinking about something you want to forget. Most people would cover the problem up by doing something different. That’s what Francie did. She got a job not only to bring in pay but to cover up the fact that Johnny’s dead. It helps a little but the proven fact always found its way back into the family member’s hearts.

Francie grew up in a terrifying world. Along the way she became more knowledgeable about the world and herself. She became more experienced rather than innocent through out her life. This is the point of the story how we all go through this journey. The journey is the most important thing in our life.

Betty Smith did a phenomenal job describe how the family took the death. It was very life like and realistic. The whole story was written realistically. It made us think we can fix our own problems. This is the point of comedy and why this story is written like that.

Becoming experienced is something that comes with time it can’t be rushed and we should all treasure that. When we have difficulties hope will always help us. A Tree Grows in Brooklyn demonstrates how life can be difficult at times and how you’ll become more experienced along the way. That is better than anything in the world.