Friday, January 8, 2010

A Tree Grows In Brooklyn

Hope is something we all have and should treasure. When we’re in complete doubt hope stands by us. Francie always had a dream but never really tried to accomplish it, when she did life was at its high point. Even when times are tough you always can find hope and become more experienced through out the journey of your life. On the journey new opportunities come right around the corner giving you a second chance.

The desire to do something is priceless, you always have it in you though. You still can loose that desire easily though. Francie went along in life just by doing the motions. Everything was done with no feeling. Johnny’s death affected Francie tremendously he was her best friend. Though there was hope in the situation when Katie gave birth to a new child, Laurie. Laurie was the true hope in the situation. The only light in the darkness. The only way to move on from the unforgettable tragedy that left them scared for life.

There’s a feeling you just can’t shake off, a feeling so strong that you won’t ever forget. The feeling will always find a way to get to you to get back into the world into your mind to keep you thinking about something you want to forget. Most people would cover the problem up by doing something different. That’s what Francie did. She got a job not only to bring in pay but to cover up the fact that Johnny’s dead. It helps a little but the proven fact always found its way back into the family member’s hearts.

Francie grew up in a terrifying world. Along the way she became more knowledgeable about the world and herself. She became more experienced rather than innocent through out her life. This is the point of the story how we all go through this journey. The journey is the most important thing in our life.

Betty Smith did a phenomenal job describe how the family took the death. It was very life like and realistic. The whole story was written realistically. It made us think we can fix our own problems. This is the point of comedy and why this story is written like that.

Becoming experienced is something that comes with time it can’t be rushed and we should all treasure that. When we have difficulties hope will always help us. A Tree Grows in Brooklyn demonstrates how life can be difficult at times and how you’ll become more experienced along the way. That is better than anything in the world.